How to integrate with Shoplazza

Here's a quick guide to perform the integration with Shoplazza

For the integration, we will need to insert the tracking code that goes on the footer and the tracking code that goes on the thank you page. Let's go!

During our research we found a quick and easy way to embed the codes using a specific app for that purpose. It is available at Shoplazza App store:

The app is called " Custom code" (direct link)

Once the app is installed, we will need to create an insertion for each of the codes.

1. For the footer:

Click on " Add new"

Shoplazza add script to footerSet a name for it like "Affiliatly footer code" and paste your code.

Code for the footer:

<script src=""></script>

Please note that on the example "AF-10XXXXX" needs to be replaced with your account ID (To find out what's your account ID please enter to your Affiliatly dashboard and click on the "Account" tab. You will find your ID there)

On the lower options choose "PC & Mobile" and "All pages"

It should look like this:
Shoplazza code for footer Then click on " Save" and it should be activated:
Shoplazza enable script on footer

2. Next, we do the same process for the thank you page code:

Click on "Add new"

Shoplazza add script to thank you page

Code for the thank you page:


var affi_id_order =;

var affi_order_price =;

var affi_order_coupons = window.ORDER.discount_code;

var url_affi = ""+ encodeURIComponent( affi_id_order ) + "&order_price="+ affi_order_price +"&order_coupons=" + affi_order_coupons;

var script_affi = document.createElement("script");

script_affi.type = "text/javascript";

script_affi.src = url_affi;



Please note that on the example "AF-10XXXXX" needs to be replaced with your account ID (To find out what's your account ID please enter to your Affiliatly dashboard and click on the "Account" tab. You will find your ID there)

For the options, this time we'll still use "PC & Mobile" but instead of "All Pages" we'll choose "Special page" and select the "Thank you page"
Please check the following reference:SShoplazza script for thank you page
We finish by clicking on " Save" and you should see both of your codes enabled like this: Shoplazza scripts added successfully

After finishing the code embedding, you can set up Add to Cart, Checkout and Purchase (Orders purchase can be tested by the simulated transaction in the Bogus Gateway), and check for them on your Affiliatly account.

Hopefully, this will help you move forward in this project. If you have any more questions and the answers are not available here, contact us.

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