How to integrate with Weebly

To integrate Affiliatly with Weebly, you need to add two different codes: one for tracking referred visitors and for tracking purchases made by those referred visitors.

Note: Everywhere in the integration code, when you see “AF-10256”, you need to replace with your own Affiliate ID as that is just an example.
1. To track visitors
  • Login into your Weebly panel.
  • From the left menu, click on Website > Integrations
  • In page Integrations, find the section “Add custom header code” (located at the bottom) and click on the “Add new code"
  • In the newly opened window, add our visitors tracking code 
<script src=""></script> 

Note that instead of “AF-10256’” you need to add your own Affiliatly account ID, if you are copying the code from your Integration page in Affiliatly, your account ID is already added in the code.
2. To track purchases
  • Login into your Weebly panel.
  • From the left menu, click on Settings > General
  • find section “Tracking” and click on the “Edit” button on the right
  • In the “Receipt page” textarea, put this code

var affi_id_order = '{txid}';
var affi_order_price = '{subtotal}';
var affi_order_coupons = '';
var url_affi = ""+ encodeURIComponent( affi_id_order ) + "&order_price="+ affi_order_price +"&order_coupons=" + affi_order_coupons;
var script_affi = document.createElement("script");
script_affi.type = "text/javascript";
script_affi.src = url_affi;

Click “Save”.

This code is responsible for tracking purchases made by the referred visitors.
'{txid}’ and '{total}’ will be replaced with the actual order id and order price.
Note that instead of “AF-10256” you need to add your own Affiliatly account ID.
Important: with Weebly you can use only Link and QR tracking. Coupon code/SKU/E-mail are not available, due to restrictions from Weebly.
To test your integration, open your site with “?aff=1” parameter at the end of the address and make a test purchase. After you have made your order, you should see it in your Affiliatly’s panel.

This is all! Please don't hesitate contacting us in case you need further assistance.
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