What do the different order statuses mean?

The referred orders of your Affiliatly can have one of the following six different statuses:

1. Paid
These orders are completed and have been paid by your customer. Your affiliates will see those orders in their affiliate panel and their earnings are calculated in the column Unpaid Earnings on the Affiliates page.

2. Unpaid
These orders are completed but have not been paid by your customer yet. Read this article for more info on this status.

3. Incomplete
This status means that the user reached your checkout page but didn't complete their order.

4. Cancelled
These orders were canceled and no payment has been made.

5. Refunded
These orders were refunded and the money paid by the customer was fully or partially returned.

6. Hidden
These orders were manually hidden from you or your staff and your affiliates won't receive a commission for them.

⚠️   Shopify/Bigcommerce/WooCommerce/ Ecwid by Lightspeed  only : After hiding an order, the status is no longer being synced with your store. Even if the status in your store changes, the order will remain as ' Hidden' in Affiliatly, unless you set it to another status manually. Read this article for more info on  'Auto-sync store order status'.

You can change the status of any order on the Order Details window which can be accessed in your admin panel on the Orders page after clicking the ⚙️ on the very right side of the referred order.

⚠️  By default, your affiliates can see all referred orders with the status 'Paid'. To change this setting go to  Settings > General >  Show affiliates orders with status and enable the order statuses you'd like to show to your affiliates in their panel.
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