How to pay affiliates via PayPal

Due to changing requirements by Shopify, we were obligated to disable the integration with PayPal. Shopify users can still pay their affiliates in bulk with PayPal via MassPay CSV file.

The payment process via  Paypal is not handled by Affiliatly itself which means that the payment has to be done manually outside of the app.

In the following, we explain the different ways on how this can be done and what the differences are.

1. With Pay the affiliate button


  • The payment method PayPal is enabled (Settings > Payment > Payment methods)
  • The affiliates provided the PayPal email in their account

Go to the tab Affiliates in your admin panel and click the βš™οΈ on the very right of the affiliate you want to pay out the commission. In the pop-up window go to the tab Earnings and scroll down to the section Affiliate's payment info. Enter the pay-out sum in the field Amount to be paid via Paypal and click the Pay the affiliate button. You will be taken to the PayPal website where you need to complete the actual payment. 

πŸ’‘Instead of using the button, the payment can be also done directly from your  Paypal account.

⚠️ When using the button  Pay the affiliate, the PayPal fee is paid from the affiliate. If the payment is done directly through the PayPal account, you can choose who will pay for the fees.

After you paid the affiliate, please go back to the same pop-up window (tab  Earnings) in Affiliatly and scroll down to Manually mark sum as paid. Here you need to fill out the following fields:

  • Paid sum

    Enter the exact same sum you just paid to your affiliate

  • For date (optional)

    Select for which date you are paying the commission or skip this field to leave today's date as the default

  • Comments (optional)

    Leave your affiliate a note about payment details or the transaction ID

  • Administrator comments (optional)

    Add a note with additional info which is only visible to you

Finally, click the button Mark sum as paid. This will deduct the paid sum from the affiliates' Unpaid earnings.

2. With $ Make payments button

  • Verified and approved Paypal business account 
  • PayPal API is set up (Settings > Payment)
  • Enough funds on PayPal in the currency set in Affiliatly (Settings > General > Currency)

Go to the tab  Affiliates in your admin panel and click $ Make payments above the chart.

Choose the affiliates you want to pay and adjust the amounts in the row Amount to be paid if necessary. Click the button Pay the affiliates, confirm with Yes and the amounts paid will be automatically marked as paid and deducted from the affiliates' Unpaid earnings in Affiliatly.

⚠️ The payout is made in the currency you set in Affiliatly. If you don't have enough funds in that currency on your PayPal account, the payment will fail due to insufficient funds even if you connected a credit card.

πŸ’‘  For each Payout, PayPal charges you a fee. Here you can read about their payout fees.

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