How to pay affiliates

Due to changing requirements by Shopify, we were obligated to disable the integration with PayPal. Shopify users can still pay their affiliates in bulk with PayPal via MassPay CSV file.

The process to pay out the commission to your affiliates is split into 2 parts. If you successfully went through our Setup at the very beginning of installing Affiliatly you can go straight to point 2.

1. Set up payment methods

First, you need to choose the method(s) you support and want to appear on the affiliates' panel. They can then select and set up their preferred payment method from the options you enabled.

💡 The payment process with Affiliatly can be done either manually or automatically depending on the method you choose.

In your admin panel click on the Settings tab and go to Payment > Supported payment methods. Here you'll find the following payment options for your affiliate program. Every affiliate can choose one as their payment method:

Payment Method Automatically Manually
PayPal -
Bank Transfer (SWIFT) -
By Cheque -
Gift Card
Bitcoin -
Bitcoin Cash -
Google wallet -
QuickPay -
Interac e-Transfer -
VMoney -
Cash App -
Venmo -
Payoneer -

Enable your available payment methods by checking the boxes. For each enabled payment method, a button appears under the section Payment methods description text. Here you can enter an info text for the affiliates like your payment terms for this method.

Click the button Save Changes.

2. Process payments

Manual payment process

The manual payment methods are not handled by Affiliatly itself which means that the actual payment has to be done outside of the app. Afterward, the paid-out sum needs to be marked as paid in Affiliatly.

To do this go to the tab Affiliates in your admin panel and click the ⚙️ on the very right of the affiliate you want to pay out the commission. In the pop-up window go to the tab Earnings and scroll down to Affiliate's payment info. Here you'll see which payment method the affiliate selected and the necessary info to process the payment outside of Affiliatly.

After you paid the affiliate please go back to the same pop-up window (tab Earnings) in Affiliatly and scroll down to Manually mark sum as paid. Here you need to fill out the following fields:

  • Paid sum Enter the exact same sum you just paid to your affiliate
  • For date Select for which date you are paying the commission or skip this field to leave today's date as the default
  • Comments (optional) Leave your affiliate a note about payment details or the transaction ID
  • Administrator comments (optional) Add a note with additional info which is only visible to you

Finally, click the button Mark sum as paid. This will deduct the paid sum from the affiliates' unpaid earnings.

Mark earnings in bulk

If you want to mark payments for multiple affiliates at once, you have the possibility to use the option Mark earnings in bulk. You find this feature on the Affiliates tab above the list of your affiliates.

After clicking Mark earnings in bulk you're forwarded to a page where you can download the import file. Click on the button Download and fill out the following rows of the .csv file:

  • email_affiliate/id_affiliate Enter the email or ID of the affiliate you paid
  • earnings Enter the exact paid sum paid to the affiliate. No currency symbol or thousands separator!
  • date (optional) Enter the date of the referral order in the same format set in your account, i.e. DD.MM.YYYY. If left empty, today's date will be used.
  • notes (optional) Leave your affiliate a note about payment details or the transaction ID. This info is visible to you and the affiliate!

Save the .csv and go back to Affiliatly. On the same page, click Choose file, select the import file and click Upload. The paid sums are now deducted from the affiliates' unpaid earnings.

Online Store Credit

⚠️ This payment option is only available for BigCommerce stores as they don't support gift cards!

If your affiliates choose this payment method they'll be asked to provide a customer email. In order to make a payment, you need to set the payout sum as a credit in your BigCommerce panel.

💡 Follow the instructions in this article on how to do this.

Automatic payment process

For the automatic payment process with gift cards please follow this help article to learn how to set this up.

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